How To Run A Pub Quiz – The Instant Quizzes Guide
If you need more help setting your quiz after reading this guide or want to discuss the quizzes we offer, give us a call on 01785 214529
How To Run A Pub Quiz
Preparation – Setting a quiz

Always use a reputable supplier – either someone locally who can research interesting and factually correct questions or a national supplier (such as Instant Quizzes! – browse this website for details). |
Decide what form your quiz will take – a quiz running from 9pm to 10.30pm can comfortably contain 6 – 8 rounds. Take a look at our website www.Instant for some ideas on different quiz formats. Next decide how many there are in a team and how much, if any, you will charge as an entrance fee. We suggest no limit on team numbers with a charge of £1 per person to play. There is no real advantage in having a bigger team and small teams of 2 are not discouraged from entering by a per team entrance fee. |
Next decide on prizes. Big cash prizes are great but you will attract quiz anoraks from far and wide lured by the prize. You want a full pub for a fun night so we suggest a gallon of beer or similar for the winners – that way they’re encouraged to come back to your pub and it remains fun. Then the real draw – what to do with the entrance fees – either keep them, use them to pay your quizmaster or (the best idea) have a rollover cash jackpot and run a weekly quiz. You could even have prizes for different rounds – why not ask your local brewery or other suppliers to donate prizes to the quiz |
The Jackpot
Think of a number between 1 and 1000 and put it in a sealed envelope. At the end of the quiz each team is allowed on a piece of paper to guess the number. The number is the same every week and stays in the same envelope until it is finally guessed and the jackpot won. You collect all papers and write on each Higher or Lower depending on the guess. I.e. If the number is 50 and they wrote 142, you write Lower on the paper and return it to the team. The beauty of this is that a lucky team could win the cash at any point, a regularly attending team is guaranteed to get the answer within 10 weeks (Because they keep their weekly guesses) and missing a week could lose a team the jackpot. Each week, advertise the ever-increasing cash jackpot prize. Make sure that the person running the quiz knows the number and can be trusted not to sell it or pass it on!
And Finally…

The most important point – Advertise!!!!!!
Let people know that you are running a quiz by posters, word of mouth, local media such as radio stations, newspapers etc. and boards outside your pub.
Once you have advertised the quiz – think about where you can advertise some more!
Running The Quiz

Who will run it? Make sure it’s someone who won’t be fazed by public speaking and that they can confidently and clearly read out the questions. |
How will they be heard? Unless it’s a really small venue, you will need a P.A system capable of being heard above general pub conversation – not everyone will be taking part in the quiz. |
Who will mark the questions? Most question masters can mark up to 10 teams’ answers between rounds, but they may need a helper. Alternatively you may let teams swap papers and mark each others’ quizzes between rounds then hand in marked answers for you to keep score. |
Where will the quizmaster sit? Make sure space is kept for them. |
On The Night
The quizmaster announces that the quiz will start in 30 minutes, 20, 10, 5 etc. and collects team names and entry fees. Give each team some answer sheets for them to complete with their answers and have a stock of pens for them if needed. Download your answer sheets from here |
Record the team names on your scoresheet then start the quiz by reading out team names (giving everyone a name check) and begin the quiz. |
Each question should be read out once, a short break then repeated, then at the end of the round, quickly recap all 10 questions. |
Collect sheets from teams for marking (perhaps announcing that if they’re not handed in within a minute, the team gets 0 points) or get teams to swap papers then read out each question then its answer. |
Remember the golden rule – the quizmaster is always right and the idea of the quiz is to get the answer on his or her answer sheet. |
Give the cumulative scores at the end of each round. At the end of the quiz give out final scores with perhaps the top three in reverse order. Have a tiebreak question ready (usually a number answer with the first correct answer or closest answer as the winner). |
Run your cash jackpot if applicable, give out the prizes. |
Then finally, announce the date and time of the next quiz and start preparing! |